IV Therapy In Portland

IV is a medical abbreviation for intravenous, which means to be applied within the vein.

IV therapy includes nutrients or drugs given directly into the vein. This approach gets around many of the short comings of other therapies including poor absorption and first pass elimination by the liver. The downside to IV therapy is it is relatively expensive, you must come into the office and fat soluble substances are difficult to work with.

An “IV” in our clinic refers to a unique combination of nutrients including B vitamins, minerals and amino acids in a saline solution. This is used to treat infections, fatigue, cancer recovery, severe muscle spasm and pain with amazing results. It is also applied to many other conditions as well. Most alternative doctors have their special formula for IV’s. Though we stick with our philosophy, if you are going to take the time, we are going to give you as much as we can safely.

There is very little research proving the validity of this therapy approach. Though our feelings are the clinical results when applied properly are obvious.

Chelation is also commonly given IV for toxicity.

Blood Clotting

Preventing blood clotting in West Linn

Blood clotting problems are among the most serious and concerning of conditions. This is mainly because they usually come without obvious warning and have sweeping and serious effects, and initially are 50% of the time fatal. Stroke, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, and TIA’s (transit ischemic attacks, or mini-strokes) are the common names used to describe the damage from a blood clot. We consider early warning signs to include, symptoms of severe headaches, muscle twitching or cramping, abdominal pain, swelling of limbs and a sudden sense of just not feeling well.

Our point of view is prevention is the best treatment. This is a very complex process. It must be addressed by looking at the big picture, including life style, hormones and metabolic imbalances and chronic infections, as well as with patient specific clotting testing and treatment.

Since insulin strongly promotes clotting formation and is commonly overlooked, our treatment approach frequently includes a low carbohydrate diet, smart drugs, nutrients, herbs, hormone balancing and forms of heparin. We also test extensively for genetic problems if this hasn’t already been done.

This is a serious problem, which to our surprise is frequently not taken seriously enough. This is where human nature with the belief that “if it hasn’t killed me yet I must be ok” can be very harmful. Comprehensive initial prevention is the best approach.