Physiotherapy In Portland

Physiotherapy, also referred to as physical therapy is defined as provision of services to people in order to restore or maintain physical and functional ability especially after time of disease process or injury, but most often if is performed to optimize physical capabilities.

Physiotherapy concentrates on problems that affect muscles, bones, the heart, circulation and lungs. Treatments include manipulation, massage, exercise, electrotherapy and hydrotherapy. This helps people to improve their range of movement in order to promote health and well being.

In our clinic we do most therapy in office, occasionally if we feel it is necessary we will refer out to a physical therapist.

Physiotherapy helps people of all ages who have physical problems caused by illness, accident or ageing. They also work with stroke patients, children and people who have mental health problems. An important part of a physiotherapist’s role involves understanding the cultural, psychological and social factors that affect their patients.